Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Does it have to get much colder then this...

Tree next to my appartement complex

I think my absence from Sweden has made me forget how cold it can acctually get here. It's indeed autumn right now, the leaves are changing color and it's getting darker earlier. But does it really have to be that cold already?! I think i have to wear snowboard gear everyday when the winter finally gets here...
And my skin is constantly dry, i've totally forgotten how addicted you become to moisturizer in this country...
Well it's pretty, no one can think otherwise and i guess i should enjoy the climate now, because it's gonna get worse...


  1. Andrea! I'm so jealous, this is beautiful. We do not get trees like that here, maybe for like, a day. *sigh*

    Are you coming to the states with Chris for Thanksgiving? I guess we may not see him if he's in Atlanta, but we miss you both!


  2. Amanda!
    haha yeah it's beautiful now but i'll be jealous of you in a month! I really want to go with Chris in november but i have school and when he booked his tickets we didn't know how busy i would be with exams and so on at that time...And now the prices are to high =(

    Oh that's right he's not going to Texas, well in that case i'm not to bumbed...

    I'm so glad te hear from you and i really miss you too. I hope we can visit you and Texas next spring...i think i will be craving sunlight alot then...

    All the best to you!
