Sunday, August 30, 2009

So much to do, so little time...

The sofa turnes into a bed during the night - the wonders of IKEA

Where alot of hours will be spent...

My paintings from New Orleans

This was when my camera died, not the best resulution

I have today lived in Norrköping for 2 weeks and 4 days. My mum and me worked like crazy the first days to get everything set out in my apartement. Running up and down the stairs, carrying furnitures, sewing curtains, visiting IKEA more then one time...But it was worth it (at least for me...) because i really like my little flat. It's tiny but supercute, cheap and central.

So what about school then? Well I like it. So far at least, i change my mind 10 times a day...
There's alot of cool people in my class and even though most are younger then me we all get allong well. There's been tons of activities going on every day to get us to know eachother.On top of that we're having classes everyday to 4pm so there you have my mainreason for not writing here for a while...

I spend last weekend visiting my boyfriend in the far north. I have never ever been that high up north (not even half way i think...). It was he's birthday but it feelt more like it was mine. I got cooked meals, treats and stuff the whole time! Maybe Norrland isn't that bad after all....

So back in Norrköping and more activities (mainly parties) and actually quite abit of school work.

It's sunday today and tomorrow i have a day off school! Think we're going to try a gym class and then make some dinner at my place (i really need more than one to make food for..).

My camera is no working as i forgot my charger at home. But i managed to take a few photos of the apartement before it died...

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