Monday, July 6, 2009

Finally some rain

Favorite chocolate

Yepp that's right, it's FINALLY raining! After 14 days of constant sunshine and heat the fresh air was more then welcome. You learn at a very early age to catch the day, carpe diem, when it's nice weather because who knows if it's raining tomorrow. But catching the day, day efter day, get tiresome and you're feeling bad if you spend some hours indoors even though you're really tired and just want to eat chocolate and read... So after working 10h yesterday and then going out until 4am staying indoors while the rain was pooring down was exacly what i wanted to do to.
Glad to find some lemon & ginger chocolate in the cupboard, my new favorite! Having a good book didn't make my day less great. The girl with the dragon tattoo is written by the Swedish authur Stieg Larson and can be find abroad, have a look for it because it's really worth reading.

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