Friday, July 24, 2009

Showing off the west coast

Strömstad harbour

On the way to the koster islands

Picnic on the north island

Chris and Carrey

Old house on the south island

A rainy Smögen

Eileen and Carrey didn't seem to mind the rain

As long you have umbrellas..

Eating shrimp in Smögen is a must

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All the way over the atlantic ocean

Eileen, me and mum

Carrey and dad

A very windy Strömstad

Chris parents Eileen and Carrey arrived Monday night after 38h of travelling all the way from Texas! This is Eileen's first time in Europe and it happened to be in Strömstad of all places. We are a bit sad the weather is not perfect but it seems like they enjoy getting away from the hot and humid weather back home. Chris has taken a week of work and is here to spend some time with hs parents.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Great visit from a good friend

My friend Jojo from Västerås visited me from monday to Saturday last week and even though i was working at least 3 of the 5 days she was here, we managed to do alot. We visited Lotta in Fjälbacka were it was super crowded with sailers from all over Sweden. Friday night was spend at Skagerack as Timbuktu (popular swedish rap artist) were playing. It was abit too crowded for me but a great concert. I just found out that i got in to my school in Norrköping which means i will only be living 1,5h away from Jojo. So hopefully we'll be able to hang out more next year.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Visit to Fjällbacka

Me and Jojo

Going out in Fjällbacka

A guy, Ida, Lotta and Me

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday night out

Philip & Emma

Me, Philip an his friend Emma from Stockholm shared a bottle of wine and went to see the Sweet, a british popband from the 70's. The audiens were mostly around the age of 55 and we didn't know more then one hit but had fun anyway.
My friend Jojo is going to visit me next monday, I'm really looking forward to that espacially as i'm doing nothing but work the next couple of days.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Finally some rain

Favorite chocolate

Yepp that's right, it's FINALLY raining! After 14 days of constant sunshine and heat the fresh air was more then welcome. You learn at a very early age to catch the day, carpe diem, when it's nice weather because who knows if it's raining tomorrow. But catching the day, day efter day, get tiresome and you're feeling bad if you spend some hours indoors even though you're really tired and just want to eat chocolate and read... So after working 10h yesterday and then going out until 4am staying indoors while the rain was pooring down was exacly what i wanted to do to.
Glad to find some lemon & ginger chocolate in the cupboard, my new favorite! Having a good book didn't make my day less great. The girl with the dragon tattoo is written by the Swedish authur Stieg Larson and can be find abroad, have a look for it because it's really worth reading.

Friday, July 3, 2009

miss you..

Chris has now been away for almost 3 weeks. I think there is a certain line after 2 weeks when you really starting to miss eachother. In the beginning it's fun to do what you want, go where you want whenever you want but it only last (at least for me) during this first 2 weeks. It's 2 weeks left until he will get here in time for his parents visit.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Strömstad at it's best

Found a perfect place for jumping

Philip with Strömstad harbour in the background

Me, Philip and Marc was for once free the same day (me and Philip start work at 6pm) so we took the boat out together to enjoy Strömstad's beautiful coastline. The weather was perfect and we found a spot were we were all alone. I bathed the first time this year and it wasn't too bad (i did only stay for 2 seconds).