Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday night

I invited Anastasia over for dinner and she brougt nice cheese and wine. Such a nice way to and a relaxing Saturday with. Sunday means studying maths and training...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday night

Me and Frida, the girl i live with, watching idol

After studying maths from 8am to 6pm i'm pretty dead to the world. Even though there is alot to do in school i don't feel the same kind of stress as i did last year when i had to be creative under pressure. I really wonder now what i was thinking choosing graphic design last year.


This is what we're doing all week; studying maths. I've always liked maths and i used to be pretty good at it but 6 years without it makes me abit rusty. Going to Lycksele next weekend though =)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lycksele - weekend

I've had such a nice weekend in Lycksele. It's the perfect place for relaxation. Me and Chris haven't done much except eating, watcing movies and walked in the crispy autumn weather. We did go to a big market Saturday which was kinda nice.Sorry for the lack of photos. I forgot my camera and chris isn't to keen to let me use his. I got to take a photo of the food i made friday =).