Sunday, February 28, 2010

pre pre-party is the best party

Susanne, Fanny and me

It's funny sometimes how the simpliest things can be the most fun ones. One of the nightclubs in Norrköping had some of Swedens top artists DJ:ing yesterday. Me, Susanne and Fanny decided to meet for some drinks before going to the pre-party. The thing is just that we ended up quite late at Fanny's place and got to the pre-party just an hour before everyone was leaving for the night club. Anyway i think we had more fun before and in the line for the night club me and Fanny decided to go home or acctually to an other bar which ended up at her place with tea and chocolate. God, i'll miss these two girls when i move.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Food for a student...

I'm so bad at living on a budget when it comes to food... I'm cutting down on my clothes-, transport-, drinks- and furniture expenses but my food expenses is mych higher then it should be. I just can't live on noodles and tuna, i need avocado, feta cheese, cashew nuts and salmon.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Project work all weekend long...

Karin is writing about our work

Madde is doing photo editing

Malin is the illustrator - and a really good one!

9am - 5pm today and probably the same tomorrow and Sunday. We're working on our poster for one of the biggest banks in Sweden. The winner gets money and posters all over the country.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Looking brighter

Soup is good for bad throats!

Feeling much better today! Even though we had business administration classes the whole day we had alot of fun as alot of it was improvising infront of judges how to market a new product. Then we went to celebrate my birthday as there was no time yesterday. Oh and the sun was shining!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

happy birthday to me!

Traditional birthday cake

Celebrated a pretty boring birthday to be honest. Me and my projectgroup spend 6h on preparing and travelling back and forward to a 45min meeting in Linköping today. No gifts today=( My parents gift was the Stockholm trip which was great and tons of friends have send their greetings. Skyped with Philip from Egypt which was one of the highlights of the day. I guess 24 isn't that big of a number...

Monday, February 22, 2010

To be sick sucks

All you need right?

I don't like spending days inside without doing anything. My head feels to thick even for reading. I went to the pharmacy today and they could barely hear what i said. Susanne is going training now, oh i want to go too...

Stop Sharkfinning!

One of the posters

All 3 posters

A flyer

This is what my group came up with when we got the assignement to do a poster and a flyer for (against) sharkfinning. We thought people woudn't really care so much for the sharks and instead of showing how they are slowly dying when people cut of their finn we showed dogs and cats slowly dying by the same procudure. My group are doing the presentation right now as i'm lying in bed feeling sorry for myself. I hate being sick especially when there's no one to take care of me...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

fun and not so fun times

The 3 of us in Texas almost exactly a year ago

I had a really nice stay in Stockhom with my parents. We went to a couple of museums and me and my mum watched a movie called An education which was really good. We also met up with my friend Emma who workes for IKEA in Stockhom. It was great seeing her again, hopefully she'll visit me here before i leave.
But (there always has to be one) it was a snow storm in almost the whole country yesterday and a lot of trains got cancelled or delayed. Mine was just 1h late but we had to stand outside in the snowstorm waiting. Then another 30 min in Norrköping waiting for the bus. I've been feeling abit bad in my throat and chest during both Thursday and Friday and beeing outside in the snow made me really sick. I was suppose to be in school right now but i'm feeling awful. So tea and honey and bed is on the schedule for me today.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Pic from 2008

We were supposed to go out tonight but as usual me and Fanny ended up at her place talking over tea and chocolate. It was probably good anyway as I'm going to Stockholm to see me parents tomorrow. It's going to be nice seeing them again and to discuss all the decisions i'm about to make.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A trip down memory lane...

Found these photos from 5 years ago. They are of me and the most important people for me at that time...

A 19 year old me

Marc 14 year old - the cutest brother ever

Kikki made my high school years ten times better...

...allong with Emma - what would i have done with out you two?!

Kikki and my beloved brother Philip

Joey - love this girl, best high jumper companion ever!

Distance never made a difference, i always had a blast with Sanna

I've had lot of great times with Jojo which i met autumn 2005, just after finishing high school

Isa and Marc - during one of mine and Marc's many sunbathing afternoons on the balcony

A lot of things will happen during 5 years...

Monday, February 15, 2010

feeling light

I hate to make desicions and i'm very indecisive. But there has been something bothering me for a very long time now and this weekend i finally made up my mind about it. It's been a hard decision but i feel very good about it. I acctually think i felt a little bit lighter today...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rockabilly style

We had a fun night yesterday. Both the preparty and the club was great which isn't to common. I'm tired now but need to study some economics. All good things always comes to an end...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yeeey for a none schoolwork day

Coffee at Kuriosa

Jojo is here and we're about to getting dressed for a rockabilly party. A day with a good friend without any school work is just what i needed today!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Congrats Eileen!

Chris mum Eileen's birthday is today and i wish her a really good one. Last year we cooked for her the whole day and played Tennis together. Which, by thinking of it, really makes me realize how quick time has gone...In 2 weeks my birthday is coming up. I'm going to be 24 which suddenly seems to be alot as i'm surrounded by 19 year olds (almost). It's weird because i've been one of the youngest while travelling. Age is really just a number on a paper and what matters is how you are as a person.

Looong school day

Susanne and Fanny

Just got home after 12,5h is school. Me, Susanne and Fanny worked on our business project untill 8:30 pm...To be honest we had a pretty good time especially as we got tired and giggly as our candy sugar rush kicked in. But man, I'm tired now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Instead of going training after school as i planned i had a coffee with Susanne and Elsa and then i bought some candy...But after 9h in school i so needed that sugar rush. I will get back in shape for spring instead =)

Tired, me? no...

Think i slept 4-5h this night. I don't know why but this week seems to be one of those weeks i just have problems to sleep at night. For Chris that's pretty much every night but I'm used to sleep from the moment i put my head on the pillow to the moment my alarm clook rings. This morning it rang at 7, abit to early for me but there's alot of things going on in school right now. Think i have about 4 projects with different groups which all need their meetings...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not cool

Having class until 6:30 pm is not fun especially not on a Monday. If there was any sun today, i didn't notice. This snow has about 3 weeks until it has to be gone so the spring can arrive. Spring, spring, spring can't wait until i can lay in the grass eating cookies and saoking in the sun...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just remembered...'s my dad's birthday today! Love this photo of my dad (and mum). It's taken on one of the islands just outside Strömstad. My dad have taught me that you don't have to do much to enjoy life. Just take a trip with the boat after work, soaking the sun and enjoy the life you have right now.

Grey sunday

Business administration the whole day. Superfun. Yesterday evening was great so i guess i just have to suck it up now...It's not very fun weather outside either. Think this day was ment for school work and laundry.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Once upon a time...

Malaga 2005

...i was a highjumper beilive it or not! I was thinking of it today as it's almost exactly 6 years ago i jumped my personal best at a competition (i jumped higher on a training 1 year after). That was also about the time i got my big injury. It took me a year (and alot of tears) to get passed that problem. I have no idea how many hours i spend training rehab, swimming etc.
This photo was taken when me and my friend Johanna joined Johnny and Stefan Holm (won the olympic gold medal in the olympics 2004) on a training camp in Spain, May 2005. I was in my best shape ever and thought that i finally had overcome my injury. Sadly my first competition after the come back ended in tears once again. This time it was my back. I took a break short after that. I never started again.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

rendez vous

Summer 2008

Jojo is going to visit me next weekend! I'm so excited! She acctually visited me in Texas last year and we had such a great time driving around Texas and New Mexico. Last time i saw her was in July when she came to Strömstad and then we've been trying to meet up during the autumn but there has always been something coming in our way...But this time i hope we gonna make it!

Upgrading my English

Picture of the working museum taken on Saturday

Today i applied for studying English efter Easter. It's not a part of my program but i think it would be pretty useful anyway. Or acctually i think the course i can take next year, advanced English, will be useful but that course require that i study this one now. Me and Chris will most likely move to the US at some point and i think it could be a huge advantage if i know how to write properly. I often notice that my written English isn't great but i'm not capable of knowing just how to fix it. Hopefully you'll notice a change in my writing here after that course.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

yeeey for snow storm!

It was a struggle getting to school at 8am this morning. I cursed the snow storm which made me walk on an unploughed road without seeing anything. This was also the day i had 4 hours of business administration between 1 and 5 pm. But luckely for us the teaches got stuck in the snow storm and couldn't get to our class! We still had alot of things to be done but doing it in comfortable chairs with coffee, chocolate and with good company was a much better way to end this day.

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Zealand top 10

1. The tongariro crossing, North island

2. The routeburn track, South island

3. Trekking up Ben Lomond, Queenstown, South island

4. Champagne pool in Wai-o-tapo thermalpark outside Rotoroa, North island

5. Wellington, North island

6. Lake tekapo, South island

7. Cathedral cove,Coromandel, North island

8. West coast, South island

9. Nevi's bungyjump (2nd highest in the world), South island

10. Sailing outside Pahia, North island

My dad asked me to write down my favourite places in New Zealand as one of his co-workers were about to travel there very soon. I loved New Zealand from the moment i stepped out of the plain to the moment i left 9 month later. New Zealand has everything you need in one country. Dessert, fiordlands, beaches, wine yards, great trekking, lot's of activities, culture...
This was my top 10 list of New Zealand but could have made it alot longer.