Sunday, November 29, 2009

He's on his way back

♥ you

Chris is coming home tomorrow! I wonder if he would call Norrköping or Sweden home or if the US is more home to him. Well anyway he's coming back to me and I'm very happy!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

midweek break

Having coffee at Bagarstugan

Entartaining tv-show about a high school musical club

It's nice with a relaxing day now and then and espacially in the middle of the week. We finished another project yesterday, a project that containted analyzing and taking photos of good and bad signs on the street, finding and analyzing a book with an ordinary good typewriting and finding a news site with good layout and typewriting. It's been a difficult work trying to find who's been typewriting this, with which type face and with which size etc. But it was over yesterday and some of us went to have a long fika (word for having a tea, coffee, sandwich, cake etc and talk). Me and Fanny later on bought chocolate and watched a couple of Glee episodes. A good day!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For the first time in 4 years...

The Taj Mahal, Agra

The holy river Ganges, Varanasi

The streets (and people) are changing color during
the holy festival, Pushkar

Me at the top of Stone mountain, Atlanta

My boyfriend is in Atlanta, my brother is in India...and I'm stock here in a grey, dark and cold Norrköping. This is the first time in 4 years that i'm not travelling! 3 years ago i was in New Zealand, 2 years ago in Nepal and last year in Texas...
So i posted some pictures to remind me that i've also been to those places...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A healthy week

Tuna sallad to begin with...

I have started a bad habit lately...i consume an enormous amont of cookies and candy. Well i've always been eating tons of candy but these cookies which suddenly appear in my appartement is killing my health. I shouldn't blame it on Chris, after all it's my choice to eat half a box a day instead of a fruit or a carrot...
It might also be because this is the suicide month of the year in Sweden (or it might be February..), it's just dark and rainy!
Well as no one will provide this place with cookies this week i better try to be healthy...
Sallad tomorrow and no candy until...wednesday?!..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's okey now, right?!

glögg and gingersnaps
(notice the lamp in the background)

I've decided to put up my christmas decoration today on the 21st of November. Well i only got one christmas decoration really, a lamp, but it's a new one and it's been hiding in my closet for a month now. Chris left for celebrating thanks giving with his familly in Atlanta yesterday so i thought i would celebrate some christmas on my own as we don't have any thanks giving in Sweden. I got some ginger snaps and glögg (no translation), is it okey to play christmas carols?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

...and trendboard!

Tecnical trends with focus on color and shape. Thin, round, black&white, rainbow, personalize and minimalistic. Hope my trendboard shows these trends well...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mood- and colorboard done!

This is my idea for future cellphones. My research showed that what people (16-18 year olds) want is a black/white cellphone but with something more personal. So i thought why not have an illustration on the backside to make it more unique? The feeling i wanne create is the personal touch and unique style every individal have and want. The color is going to work for girls and boys and all season. I didn't want too strong colors and only as details for a more discrete look.

Monday, November 16, 2009

monday studying...

trying hard with wrong tools

I'm making a font, wohoo! It's hard when i haven't got a ruler or any other tools... I'm cursing out loud, Chris is watching a movie on the other side of the table and doesn't notice my frustration. I'm also having a presentation about the body world exhibition tomorrow which i really should starting to prepare to...
Good thing we have cookies and chocolate balls in the house!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fun, glittery night

Me and Chris at Lotta's preparty

Lotta and Madde

Helen, Ella and Madde all sparkling

Zaza and Grazzie

For the first time in quite a while me and Chris decided to go out Saturday night. My class was throwing a glitter party and everyone was dressed up, one way or another, in glitter. Chris got Lottas glitterspray all over him and has still glitter in his beard!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

For a healthier life

My mum send me this - an innovative way of making people choose to take the stairs.


Some homework this week: create a advertisement for MEAT which is HEALTHY and make you EFFICIENT and show this with size.
This is what i came up with after 2h. A healthy big swedish cow which makes your body and head efficient!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


While working on my trendboard - a collage showing the latest trends - i found these illustrations made buy the Swedish designer Cassandra Rhodin.
She has designed clothes and cushions for H&M, made illustrations for Elle and other magazines, designed wallpapers... This is a trend i will use in my work!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

scored a 5 on the first exam!

Me and Fanny are studying with our lap tops in school

Just got back the result from our exam and i scored a 5 out of 5!
I was good to get some good feedback just when the next big project is starting... Me and Fanny has been sitting with our lap tops for 6h trying to find the next trend to show in a moodboard and trendboard...I'll explain more later, it's pretty complicated to me aswell for the moment...

Car project - done!

I'm done with the car project! The last assignment was to create a magasin spread (which goes over two pages) and this is my final result! I really liked working in InDesign and creating this kind of work. The only thing left is to make a presentation about it and explain why i did what did, colors, placement, text...

(I should say that i only wrote the headlines and indroduction, the rest of the text is nonsence text because it wasn't a part of the assignment)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Back from the north...

Shrimp & Champagne

My boyfriend is back! 5 weeks is the longest we've been away from eachother so far and it was abit too long if you ask me. Anyway he is here now and will be for quite a while. We're going to share 26 square metres. For all of you who doesn't know how big this is, i'll tell you - it's small, very small. But after travelling for 2 years together, sharing small hotelrooms; this is what we're used to. This or being apart for a month. Black or white.

Chris arrived here on Saturday night and my lovely mum send us (she acctually got her boss to drive to my door here in Norrköping) 1 kilo of fresh shrimp all the way from the west coast!
Chris was pretty exchaused after driving across (i mean allong) Sweden for 12h so we took a quite Halloween and just went for a drink with my friends.

There's ton of things for me to do in school now before the christmas break in 6 weeks. I think most of it is fun but still i really have to plan my time and especially now when i have a boyfriend here to watch movies etc with....