Chocolate chip cookies/Dubble chocolate muffins
I have alot of freetime now (can't you tell?!) as i only work during the weekends. If it's sunny me and Chris goes climbing and if it's raining i bake and read. This week i made Chocolate chip cookies with brown sugar, tasted better then white, and dubble chocolate muffins. Yes, i like chocolate and so does the rest of the family.
I just finished to swedish book "Let the right one in" which made it to the screens all over the world last autumn. I think i had pretty high expectations on it as it got very good reviews. The book was very well written and unique. But some how it didn't really captured me as a thriller should do. I red it without emotions. I couldn't make up my mind who i wanted dead or alive, who was bad and who was good... I have to see the movie now because i can imagen the scenes, which in the book wasn't to scary, being really creepy.
I've red the novel "Blood brothers", or at least 2/3 of it and i think i might stop there. It's not a bad book, not at all, it's very interesting. It's about a young boy and his familly living in, which was then, Palestina. When the jewish people after the holocaust "get their land back" Elias and his family is forst to leave their home, land and everything they own. They have done nothing wrong but have to pay for what the nazis did. To the end of the book it's getting a bit too deep in to christianity and i loose interest. But it's really worth reading until that point!